I like Trader Joe's. Their raisins are the best and their chocolate croissants are to die and who doesn't like flowery shirts but in the world of plastic they let us all down. Most of their fruits and vegetables are in plastic, which is bad enough, but even worse is the fact that their packaging isn't marked for recycling. This issue is nothing new - myplasticfreelife has called them out multiple times over the years (e.g. https://myplasticfreelife.com/2012/04/what-do-you-think-of-the-plastic-produce-packaging-at-trader-joes-nowadays/). So I plan to regularly given them feedback about this situation. Trader Joe's has a general comment form - nothing too detailed is necessary. Something simple like: "I'm concerned about the planet and the amount of plastic that is being used. Almost everything in your store is wrapped in plastic and it is my experience that this packaging isn't marked for recycling. Please improve on this situation. We all need to do our part." https://www.traderjoes.com/contact-us/general-feedback
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