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Best Buy - Your Best Recycling Center

Check out some of the items that you can recycle at Best Buy: computers, TVs, alarm clocks, chargers, CD players, calculators, cords and...

American's Pollution Song

Like India, America has a pollution song too. It's not as hip as the ones coming out of India (it hasn't been updated in decades) but it...

India is Upping Its Game on Plastic Pollution

Bhamla Foundation is running a Beat Plastic Pollution Campaign and we should all take notice. They have an offical song Tik Tik Plastic...

Let's Follow Europe's Lead

As reported by BBC News, the European Parliament has voted to ban single-use plastics across the board in an attempt to stop the unending...

Every Day Should be Arbor Day!

Trees take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Carbon dioxide traps radiation at ground level, creating ground-level ozone. One factor...

A House Made of Recycled Plastic. Eureka!

When it comes to plastic, we simply cannot keep doing things the same old way - we will be crushed by the accumulation of plastic. Here...

Houston, we have a problem.

I stopped at Wendy's the other day to get a quick bite. Imagine my disappointment when I saw the stack of individual ketchup containers...

Got Milk?

So, in an effort to reduce plastic, one of the common suggestions is to get milk in glass bottles. That is easier said than done. Most...

Pre-Empting Plastic Bans?

Truth is stranger than fiction....13 states have passed legislation to prevent local municipalities from regulating plastic. Yep, no...

S.1205 - Let's Ban Foam Food Containers

Currently in Massachusetts there is legislation attempting to ban food from being dispensed in foam food containsers. The hearing was on...

If Australia can do it, so can the USA.

In Austrailia, two of the largest supermarket chains, Coles and Woolworths, decided to implement a nationwide ban on free lightweight...

Go Wegman's!

Wegmans plans to reduce in-store plastic made from fossil fuels by 2 million pounds this year and seeks to eliminate 10 million pounds by...

Hats off to Maine for banning foam food packaging

While plates, cups, trays and such may be be inexpensive, lightweight, and effective at keeping cooked food hot, they are also difficult...

Fashion is Quitting Plastic (but it is not easy)

According to this article, fashion brands are trying to use less plastic or eliminate it altogether. This is due to a variety of reasons,...

Microplastics Can Travel at least 60-75 miles

If you thought that the issue of plastic was a matter plastic bags, bottles, straws and packaging, then you need to read this article. As...

Massachusetts Legislation Relating to Plastic is an organization dedicated to reducing plastic bags and polystyrene; they provide resources and information relating to...

Bid Adieu to Your Liquid Soap

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal alerted us to the fact that some interior designers have always hated pump soaps and are...

Nike Grind

Wondering what to do with those old running shoes? Wonder no more! Nike Grind will take the shoes, grind them up, and make material for...

How to "Green" your Beauty Routine

I recently saw this article in Better Homes and Gardens; imagine my surprise to see BHG getting in the "let's reconsider the packaging"...

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