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When 'Widely Recyclable' isn't.

According to this article in the WSJ, "Companies are set to start labeling plastic packaging commonly used for yogurt, cottage cheese,...

Plastic. Plastic. Plastic. What can one do?

We are drowning in plastic. It is everywhere. Here is a little exercise: when you are in the grocery store, try to find something that is...

Behind The Blue Bin

In a recent article in the Sierra Magazine titled "Behind the Blue Bin", the following information on plastic recycling was provided: "In...

Let's Be Less Clingy

For years, many people have used cling wrap to wrap food in their home kitchens. For some people this is so common that it doesn't occur...

Forecasts for 2022

In a recent WSJ article titled "Ten Forecasts for 2022", there were some very encouraging trends forecast for 2022. Here are a few of...

100% Recyclable - A False Promise

Various bottling companies claim that their bottles are "100% Recyclable", which sounds great BUT ...wait! The claim is not accurate....

Pledge to Say No to Plastic Water Bottles

Sierra Club is sponsoring an action campaign titled "Pledge to Say No to Plastic Water Bottles". The numbers they provide are shocking...

Reuse and Recycle: Take-out Containers

Even though these black plastic take-out containers have the recycle mark on them, the town that I live in doesn't actually recycle them...

Is It Non-GMO plastic?

So two scientists were recently awarded $1.2M for their work on converting plastic to edible protein. One scientist. Dr. Lu, was quoted...

Great Information on Paint!

While I don't know if there is any relationship between paint and plastic, there are definitely toxic chemicals in paint so why not share...

Amazon Needs to Change

Found this fact in the most recent Sierra Club magazine: Amazon used enough plastic bubble wrap in 2019 to encircle the globe 500 Times....

Earth Day: 5 Ways to Help Planet Earth

A recent Parade Magazine article contains 5 ways to help planet earth. Here is a quick review: ditch the glitter (it enters the oven and...

Tackling Restaurant Waste

A recent article is the WSJ is so impressive that we encourage everybody to take a look. The article discusses a number of startups that...

Recycle Your PPE at Staples

I'm sure that I am not the only one seeing disposable masks littered around the roadsides. And I am guessing that most disposable masks...

Record Setting MicroPlastics on Ocean Floor

"Over 10 million tons of plastic waste enters the oceans each year. Floating plastic waste at sea has caught the public's interest thanks...

Green Your Closet

Who knew that the contents of your wardrobe creates massive environmental issues? Here is an article from the Sierra Club magazine that...

America's Plastic: Mismanaged and Dumped

According to an article put out by the Associated Press, "More than 1 million tons a year of America's plastic trash isn't ending up...

COVID vs Cleaner Plastic

A recent article in the WSJ highlights how COVID has setback the effort to make a "cleaner" plastic bottle. To begin with, the article...

Trashy Brands

In a recent AMC Outdoors magazine, there was an article titled "Trashy Brands". As it turns out, each year, the nonprofit "Break Free...

COVID-19 Residing on Plastic Containers

There has been some press about the length of time that COVID-19 can live on plastic containers. For plastic, this might be up to 72...

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